
The Idiot-Proof Guide to Travelling with Golf Clubs


We’ve all heard the horror stories of travelling with golf clubs: people think they can wing it, pack their clubs carelessly, and surprise surprise, their 7-iron is bent, and their driver has snapped in half.

Great. Now they have to spend the entire holiday adjusting to some unfamiliar rental clubs.

Your set is your pride and joy, your arsenal on a golf holiday when you want to thrash your friends, so you need to get them to the other side with you.

At GroupiaGolf, we’ve got over 22 years of experience organising travel, so your set will be in safe hands if you follow our guide to travelling with golf clubs.

Check The Rules

Golf club airline rules

If you’re jetting off for an epic golf holiday, it’s vital to check each airline’s rules beforehand.

While each airline treats golf clubs like luggage, the terms and conditions vary, and we don’t want you to get burnt on the spot because you haven’t done your homework.

Ryan Air

The budget-friendly Irish airline charges £30 per set, with a maximum allowance of 20kg, if you pay at the time of booking. If you pay on arrival, it’s £40. Not too shabby.

British Airways

This airline allows you to carry your clubs as an “out-of-gauge bag”. It means you must arrive at the airport at least 90 minutes before your flight leaves to check the bag in.

But if you’re flying Economy, you’ll have to pay for an extra checked bag.


EasyJet will allow you to bring clubs with a weight limit of 32kg with a “sports equipment fee”.

Another option is the “small sports equipment” package, where you can carry equipment with a weight limit of 20kg for £30 each way.

Invest in a Quality Travel Bag

Golf travel bags

Luggage in an airport gets tossed around more than your angry friend’s driver after a slice.

And that might be okay with your ancient suitcase. Your clubs on the other hand? No thanks.

Buy yourself a durable travel bag to prevent your set from taking a battering after you’ve checked them in. This saves you all kinds of stress and guarantees a spotless set to hit the fairways with.

Extra Protection

Golf club insurance when travelling

Look, you can never be too careful.

You probably have covers for each club head—but don’t make these redundant because you treated yourself to a reliable and flashy travel bag.

We don’t want your hybrid getting chipped, and we don’t want any further scratches or marks that may affect the performance, so adding a second layer of protection just makes sense.

Don’t Overpack

Packing for a golf break

Some people see their golf bag as an extra suitcase, stuffing prized possessions and holiday souvenirs among their clubs. Steer clear of this.

To avoid damage to those items with sentimental value (the winning scorecard from the holiday), we recommend keeping these separate and packing them in your suitcase with your lucky pair of pants.

Golf Travel Insurance

Golf travel insurance

What’s the worst that could happen?

Actually, quite a lot. They could:

  • Get damaged
  • Get lost
  • Get stolen

And this is where insurance comes in clutch. That’s right, there’s golf travel-specific insurance, designed to help you in the event of an absolute disaster.

Golf travel insurance also covers a lot more. From the transportation, the holiday, any time lost for green bookings, and golf-related injuries.

It’s a real no-brainer if you ask us. Fork out on quality golf travel insurance to guarantee smooth travel for both you and your clubs.

Prepare Your Bag

Packing golf clubs for a trip

Golf clubs are delicate. Take time and consider how you pack your clubs, order them correctly, and ensure your bag is in tip-top condition for the journey.

Another important tip that many ignore is clearly labelling your bag.

Write as much information as possible: your name, address, contact details, the hotel you’re staying at, the course you’re playing, and what you had for breakfast.

Okay, not the last one, but the rest are important in case you lose the bag.

Another tip is an old classic; one your parents probably told you to do. Attach something to the bag, like a recognisable piece of coloured string or a ribbon, so your bag stands out from the hundreds of others.

Club Selection

Golf club selection

Each club has its purpose for the many situations you find yourself in on the fairways.

But as you’re travelling, you might need to lighten the load. If you have multiple versions of clubs, consider packing only one of each, or if you must, remove clubs you rarely use.

A good way to suss this out is by researching the courses you’re playing beforehand; use that expert IQ and decide which clubs are necessary.

Rental Alternative

Rent golf clubs

If you find travelling with clubs too stressful—and golf is meant to be good for your mental health—then opt to rent clubs from the course you play.

Of course, this has its pros and cons.


  • Saves stress
  • Convenient
  • Smooth travel


  • Can be expensive
  • Could be lower quality
  • Not familiar with the clubs

This one splits the crowd.

A lot of people can’t think of anything worse than playing with a set of unfamiliar clubs on holiday; others will gladly leave their precious set at home, risk-free, and hire a set.

We’ll let you decide.

Final Thoughts

Taking your clubs abroad doesn’t have to end in tragedy.

A golf holiday is a rite of passage, and we want you to have an unforgettable trip.

If you follow our guide to travelling with golf clubs, we’re sure you’ll get your weapons to the other side and school the gang on the greens.

Planning a Golf Trip?

If you’re ready to pack your bags and jet off then check out our world-class courses and resorts or our stay and play packages.

Or, if you’ve got a specific golf trip in mind, then build your own and enquire now.

Eddie Hall avatar

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